Wednesday, May 11, 2005

256 to Go

I saw my dietician the other day, who I had seen three weeks before for the first time. I had an physical exam the week before that, because I haven't had one in ten years or so. It kinda concerned me that I hadn't, as something maybe wrong and I didn't know it. Plus we did a story about and their survey spooked me a little.

The doctor said I was fine. Cholesteral was normal, blood pressure was normal. I was in good shape with the exception of my weight, which I already knew was a trouble spot. News isn't always the greatest job when it comes to eating well. You eat a lot of fast food because you are always on the run.

The doctor recommended to see their deitician, who was covered under my insurance--which saved me a lot of cash. Her diet wasn't a diet, rather a lifestyle change. Basically watch what I eat (keep it low fat and eat more vegetables) ; eat in the morning (which I tended not to); and walk five times a week. Plus keep a journal of what I eat.

The past three weeks were an adjustment, but not too bad so far. I have been watching what I eat at fast food joints. I cut soda all together in exchange for fruit juices and milk. I am starting to eat more salads. The only thing was I am only able to walk on weekends due to my busy schedual during the week. But the walking hasn't been tiring at all--usually walk a little over a mile.

So, three weeks late.....I lost 6 pounds!!!! Two pounds a week isn't bad. But still have to work on eating more vegetables. Plus I can hopefully get out more once my schedual allows it. The goal now is to be around 200 in a year.

I have another month to my next visit. Hopefully things will progress as the previous few weeks.


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