Sunday, July 31, 2005

One night and six beers later

Here we go....

I showed up at the banquet dressed very fancy, but it turns out everyone was in shorts and shirts. I had always thought banquet meant formal but I guess I was wrong.

Anyhow, an interesting comment arose at the dinner when someone said "Hey doesn't this remind you of the cafeteria in high school?" I was at a table on my own when that was said, which made me think of how much of a shy guy I was back then. There are still some emotional and pyschological issue I still am dealing with. (Story for another time.) But someone did invite me to one of their tables, which was nice. I goes to show that we have changed a bit socially since high school. People begged me to do volleyball. (I was never much of a volleyball player, however did hold my own.)

More people showed up as my high school crush showed up. I do keep in touch and didn't figure she was going to make it, but she did. I was soon to learn she actually reads this blog (Hi Kelsi, feel free to comment--you too Keira) but it was nice to see her. Sorry to say Kelsi, gotten over the crush but you still look cool and still a good friend.

I did sing, breakdance, and rap some songs, which people still liked. Got a few free beers in the process. Mingled a little, but usually just hung out taking in the reunion. Some of us had changed but I would say I haven't as much. Although I hang my head a bit higher and do talk a bit more. I seem to have an interesting ten years as the stories I said last night to seem to surprise people. I will most likely most a few in the future of this blog.

As for the next day, only five of us showed up to the mixer. After all the drinking the night before (I didn't get home until 3 a.m. as did some peeps) plus there was a hike up Mt. Helena at 10 a.m. which in my state wasn't feasible, so I assume they either decided to skip it or decided to go to the fair and not notify the peeps at the mixer.

But it was fun to see how people have been doing, who has settled down and who, like me, haven't. All of the class officer were there as well as the student body officers (with the expection of the student rep, who was a year behind us.) The funny thing was they haven't moved far. I maybe the only person who lived east of the Mississippi river. Most people are in Minnasota, Oregon, or Montana. A few in Cali.

I will most likely hark on my old days in school at another time, but for now, it was good, and hope to do it in another 10 years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh,it is so good to read of your adventures again. I bet everyone at the reunion was glad to see you.I so wish my life had the zip and zing yours seems to have.

7:38 PM  

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