Friday, July 15, 2005

Tired and Bewildered

Some people can be real bastards.

I was rushed when I was packing for Montana because the apartment complex were idiots. I had originally scheduled to leave June 30, but since I had the apartment to the 9th (according to my lease it was 30 days notice, which wasn’t up till then—so I gave written notice as of the 9th) so I decided to leave on July 5 instead. I get a knock on my door at 9 a.m. on the 5th and the apartment gave me until noon to leave the apartment. I started to get stuff out, and they came to complain to me about my stuff in the hallway and "why I was still here" since they needed the apartment for Saturday. I mentioned the lease and said I was planning on leaving that night anyway, so I got that afternoon to get packed.

Packing all the stuff I came across a lot of memories. I looked very young in college. I found old programs, pictures, stuff I wrote, awards ect. Kinda made me think that I did a lot these past 15 years.

Now I have my reunion in two weeks. I did see a woman I graduated with in the store the other day. Married and with child. She didn’t feel like she would go, as she didn’t think she’d see anyone she’d want to see. I was more connected with everybody, so I am planning on going.

But I digress. I got to MT after what has been a planned schedule blown to hell, literally. I blew four tires coming out here which basically screwed up when I arrived at places. I barely caught my friend in Sioux Falls, and missed my bro in Billings completely. The good news was I had a cell phone and an AAA card, so it wasn’t difficult to get to the next town when I needed to. But if I would have known my tires were that old, I would have simply got new tires.

My car needs new brakes, which is being taken care of, and right now I am waiting for stations to call. I was hoping to work while I wait, but none of the temp agencies are calling. I feel bad since mom and dad want me to make it to my next job with my own money. But things will look up come next week me thinks.

So for know, this is MarQ dimming out the lights and turning off the mics


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must be so tired,and yet you are home with your mama and papa.Now you can get rested and recharge your batteries.

5:57 PM  

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