Sunday, February 19, 2006

Lent or Re-Lent

First off, I have subscribed to for a month. For those who got the link from me via Match, welcome. I recommend skipping the ehtics post unless you want to know more about what kind of ethics I have to go through in my job and the job of reporters. It's more serious.

On that note, the interrigation tapes leaked to the local newspaper of the Cooper and his girlfriend Kellie Ballew. I won't get into details, but all you have to know is that Kellie admitted to sleeping with Mr. Andrews, and that Cooper is saying he knew about it. Still denies guilt of the crime.

Even though I am not a strict catholic, I am giving up soda and McDonald's for Lent. I figure it will help me lose a few pounds, now that I am trying to get myself health again.

As for work, it has been stressful. The boss has been on my case all week, and I was thankful that the weekend came when I don't have to worry about him looking over my shoulder. He has been critical of me lately and just has been in a bad mood towards me. It will pass more than likely.

Got to see part of the Edison Festival of Lights Parade. It was pretty cool, considering the only other parade I saw at night was the one at Disneyland. I was at the statium shooting video, so I had pretty good light and a pretty good spot seeing the floats and bands. "Baby V" Vonzell was there half way through the parade which made my job a little tougher via time constrants. But I was able to get everything done before air.

I have a boat piece that will air today. I think it will actually turn out well. I was afraid of it being shaky, but it turned out stead. We were in the river and not the gulf, so it helped.

That's it for now. Laters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, was that parade on the Caloosahatchie River.I bet that was very cool.You are such a lucky man to have such an exciting job.

6:26 PM  

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