Friday, March 03, 2006

Techno DJ

Hi all,

Here's the 411 for this week. I am going to dj at the karaoke bar I frequent Monday and Tuesday and will from then on have a shift once a week on either day. It's pretty cool, although Monday and Tuesday are the slowest days of the week. But I get to sing once an hour and play music when there are few people there. Plus I get paid for it.

Funny story relating to a friend I made back in 2002. I was out on a story tonight, had some time to kill, so I headed to Barnes and Noble. I bought this month's edition of FHM, because my roommate is a big fan of Kristen Keneworth from the West Wing, who did a spread for the magazine. I flipped through it and saw an article about Pro Wrestling Gurrella, a wrestling fed I used to cover in my wrestling column. And low an behold, a friend of mine was mentioned, Joey Ryan.

How I met Joey was basically a bunch of unfortunate circumstances. Back in late 2002, a friend of mine when I lived in Las Vegas took me to a wrestling card in L.A. He had connections and is one of those sweet talking guys you tend to meet in your life. (I knew quite a few--and regeted it sometimes--more on that later.)

He himself was a wrestler and had gotten a ring girl gig for this teenage girl for the card. The girl and her girlfriend supplied the car, but I was the one who was driving. (My friend was afraid that we would get pulled over across the California border, and if he was caught with the teenage girl, it could be seen as kidnapping, although the girls had permission from their folks.) Anyhow, we get to L.A., get into the card, and I had a blast watching it. Then it happened.

My friend gotten one of the wrestlers, named Vince, to let us stay the night. The girls were the major reason why. However, the girls decided to head to San Diego and party with another wrestler. So my friend and I stayed there overnight. I got to meet Joey Ryan and B-Boy, two other wrestlers, that night as well. Joey had gave me the name "B.S." seeing that I looked like another wrestler in the area named Supreme. The B stands for Baby, since I was obviously smaller. I had my wrestling column at the time, so they siad they would check up on it from timne to time. I had published results to card I went to that night.

The next day, my friend had a "emergency" at home and took a but to San Jose, leaving me basically stranded in L.A. The girls never arrived back, siting a storm had washed out the roads. So I ended up hanging with the wrestlers once more before the girls finally got back and I went back to Vegas.

I kept in touch with Joey and Vince for a while, until I had no more time for the column. So seeing this article made me want to write to Joey again, to let him know I saw it and congrats for the success.

That's about it for now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh,oh. Does the excitement ever end for you.You must have enough fun for three men.You seem to lead a very fulfilling lifestyle.

12:50 PM  

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