Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Very Very Very Very Very Long Day

I just earned a lot of overtime money these past few days working on my day off. Where to begin...

I get a call Monday morning seeing if I wouldn't mind freelance shooting for the Minnesota Fox station for reaction to Kirby Puckett's passing. I said yes, considering I am getting paid overtime and it was a chance to shooting something intersting for a change. I went to the statium to find no one there. The Minnasota station wasn't able to get ahold of the reporter, as he was in Orlando, as I would find out later. So I basically waited, thinking it was a late game that day, and finally, thought hey, maybe the team is out of town. I check the schedual and sure enough, they were. I called the Minnastoa station and told them I could wait for the team to get back and get a comment, and they said that would be great. So I got the comment andwas asked if I would freelance again the next day for a few hours. I again said yes. Then went to work at Mona Lisa's.

Karaoke DJ was actually, fun, but only a few people sang that night. But the rotation was good, so it wasn't boring. This middle aged woman, drunk off her a$$ was hitting on me. She wasn't too atractive, but was very clingy at one time.

Ready to play timeline?

8:30--At work, getting gear and heading to the statium.

9:15--Get to the statium and meet Jim Rich, a sports reporter from Minneapolis. Great guy. We interview about eight or nine players, coaches, and hall of famers including Rod Curew. Awesome guy as well. I shot some training footage as well.

12:45--Leave statium, take lunch on the way, and told Jim I would meet him at the station at 2:00 to edit.

1:30--Get to the station. Find that my rommate Sean is cleaning out his desk and his company car. There was an incident over the weekend that he was afraid meant he was going to get fired, and he did.

2:00--Jim comes in and starts to log.

2:30--I start to edit one of two stories. Awesome peices of work for me--not rushed or anything.

3:00--Finished story one, worked on story two. I need to get out of the station by three forty-five to make it back to the statium in time to set up a live shot for Jim to be live in Minnesota.

3:45--Get out of the station, fight traffic, drive like a bat out of hell to the statium.

4:30--Try to establish signal to station--no dice. Too far south. Try another postion, but station calls me to get out of there and head to a brush fire for a live shot. Waited for the Minnepolis station and our station to fight it out. Our station won.

7:30--Got to location, set up the shot, and edited three stories.

10:00--Went live

10:35--went live

10:55--went live

11:45--got back to the station and unloaded.

Midnight--left for home.

Making it a, yes, 15 hour work day.

I came in today and cover the Twins yet again. But this was my only story, and actually got to enjoy the game. They figure I needed it easy after such a rough day.

That's all for now. Heading to Orlando on sunday and now looking for a new place to live. I have a few weeks though.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh,Oh, what a grueling day.You work so very hard.I hope the station appreciates what you do for them.I just know one day you are going to be doing national news.

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you must be very busy. Are you looking for a new place to live yet? How is spring training going? I wait for your next writing.

5:49 AM  

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