Saturday, April 08, 2006

Grey Cloud over my hammy

(If you want the story I eluded to in the previous post, see comments on the previous story.)

I have been in a very bad mood lately. I don't see for what reason--maybe just work stuff over the past month finally is building up. Maybe the fact I am in an empty place as well. Maybe some childhood issues. Whatever it is, I haven't been happy and been angry. I am hoping rest and getting a new place to live will cure the problem.

I am hoping I can get a week that I can have two days off instead of just one. I was asked to come in on my day off again to shoot something. I need the money for the move, so I couldn't refuse. This weekend I am in dayside, which is basically screwing up my sleep schedual, which doesn't help matters. I am subbing at Mona's Sunday as well, so I expect to get some sleep on Monday.

I covered the Champions on Ice last night, which was cool. It is their first performance of the tour, but they did a good job with the opening number. I could only stay for it because I was busy.

I did cover Girls Gone Wild the other week as well. They were kicked out of Bonita Springs, FL and wound up here. They insisted that they were just having a "party" and no nudity would be shown in the club. But the bus on the other hand was a different story. I, however, wasn't there to see anyone climb aboard or go into the club itself. My camera went on the fritz. The good news was the tape was out of it at the time.

That's it for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh,oh, you must have had a busy week. I hope you have a Happy Easter. I so look forward to your next adventure.

6:55 AM  

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