Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Just perfect timing


What a week so far. It was plagued with me always being late to my dj gig due to breaking news and live shots. The good news is that they were okay with it, as a lot of news people are or have been dj-ing there over the years. My news shift on Sunday did end with something cool though.

We were doing a live shot about the weather, and I was packing up when two young ladies were taking off thier clothes and went into the water with only thier bras and thongs on. When I got finished and was about to leave, I said "Nice seeing you ladies." No pics or video, sorry. I was on the job.

Found a beautiful beach today to go when I have company over. It's called Lover's Key, and it's not cluttered by buildings, and has nice white sandy beaches. It was featured on the Travel channel several times, and it's a great place to go when you are down here. Shell collector's haven as well.

I have come to learn that there are a lot of crazy people down here. We had one in IHOP a few weeks ago. A group of us had went, and this guy keep stuffing napkins in his ears and apoligizing. He had a suitcase and what looked like a full diper on the table. He started acting strange--going into the kitchen and lying on the floor. The sheriff's office were called in to escort him out.

Another happened this weekend, when me and my reporter stopped in a restaurant for a pizza. This guy was ranting about "We are all one community" and singing very poorly. I do feel for these guys, as these guys do have problems, and need help.

Later on this week, I will have to tell you about the infamous cart incident from a few weeks ago.

See ya.


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